Who are the NMC?
The NMC regulate the practice of nurses and midwives in the UK to help improve everyone’s health & wellbeing and to promote and enforce safe, effective, and kind nursing & midwifery practice. They support all nurses and midwives throughout their careers in the UK and outline The Code that all nurses and midwives are expected to adhere to.
You can find more information about the NMC on their website. To register with the NMC you will need to complete the following 3 stages once you have satisfied the English Language Requirements:
Stage 1- Starting the NMC application.
Stage 2- Test of Competence (ToC) including your CBT
Stage 3- Complete the NMC application
Stage 1- Starting the NMC Application
Once you have passed your IELTS/OET to the NMC’s required level you will need to start your online application form with the NMC. Before you start your application you will need to familiarise yourself with the evidence you need to support your application. You can also use the NMC’s pre-application checklist to make sure you have everything you need to start your application.
When making your application you will need to provide the following to the NMC:
Evidence of your Identity (e.g. passport)
Evidence of your qualifications and professional registration with the country you trained in
Pay the qualification evaluation fee (£140)- this will assess if you are eligible to register with the NMC and will determine if you will need to undertake the Test of Competence which consists of additional tests and training.
Once you have submitted your application the NMC will evaluate and will come back to you with their outcome.
Stage 2- Test of Competence
If the NMC determine that you are suitable to register with them they may confirm that you need to complete the Test of Competence (“ToC”). This allows the NMC to assess the skills and knowledge of people applying from overseas or those who are re-joining the register after a long period away from practice.
The ToC is split into 2 sections:
CBT- a multiple choice computer-based test
OSCE- a practical exam (this is completed once you arrive in the UK and have started working)
Majority of hospitals will not start interviewing applicants until the CBT has been passed.
Click here for more information on how to book and prepare for your CBT
If you have recently passed your CBT please update your details so that we can support you with the next steps (link to update chat bot).
Stage 3- Completing the registration application with the NMC
Once you have passed your CBT you will need to complete the final steps of your NMC registration application, these include:
Providing health evidence.
Providing character evidence.
Providing English language competence evidence.
Confirm you have a professional indemnity arrangement in place.
Pay the final registration fee (£153).
Once all this information is submitted and the final fee paid, the NMC will verify all of the information provided. On average, the NMC make their decision within 30 days of all the documents being submitted but please be aware they can take up to 3 months to make a decision.
You will receive a decision letter from the NMC confirming their final decision (and your next steps). This is normally sent via email and it is important you keep this letter safe.
If you have already received your NMC decision letter please let us know by updating your details.
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